Family Shabbat Connection
The first Friday of each month is dedicated to Family Shabbat Connection! Each month, families get together from 5:30-7:00 PM at Beth El or in someone’s home to joyfully welcome Shabbat with music, art, stories and a vegetarian potluck dinner. We light candles, say blessings and share milestones.
We explore Jewish ideas and home-based practices, such as reciting the bedtime Sh’ma or composing our own family blessings. While activities are geared toward families with children ages 5 and under, older siblings are welcome and encouraged to help lead activities for younger kids. Family Shabbat Connection is a DIY approach to making Shabbat community; we welcome your involvement!
For details, please contact us and a parent coordinator will get in touch with you.
For more information about Jewish history, culture, and traditions, click here:

Creative Academy of Judaism
Creative. Fun. Yummy. Provocative. Inspiring. Intellectually stimulating. Primary Texts. Dynamic Instructors. Art. Spiritual. Music. Theatre. Movement. These are just a few of the words that describe the Creative Academy of Judaism at Beth El.
Our goal is to set our students and their families off on a unique life long journey of
exploring the great treasures of Judaism. Our objective is to empower our students
(and their parents) with the skills to discover for themselves what they believe is
important and then to help them integrate these most appealing aspects of Judaism into their lives.
The curriculum of the Creative Academy of Judaism focuses on Torah, Jewish values (middot), Hebrew language acquisition, holidays and prayers. These five foci are interwoven into the lessons plans for every session. We are especially pleased to be able bring you an exciting program called Hebrew-Through-Movement© (HTM). HTM is based on a language acquistion philosophy called Total Physical Response (TPR).
For additional information, please contact our office.
To register, please fill out our registration form online.