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For more information, or to join a committee or working group, 
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Committees & Work Groups


Committees are the location of most of Beth El's activities and decision-making. In response to pressing issues, or at the direction of the board, our committees form policy suggestions and take action to support our communal needs. They plan and help carry out programming within the Beth El vision. Our committees are like staff persons in other non-profits, making all the magic happen!


Working Groups (short term- single purpose)


Rabbinic Futures

  • Proposed Duration: Jan - Aug 2016

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with interim and previous rabbis

  • Contact: Jeff Teitel,


  • Description: The Rabbinic Futures Working Group is made up of a cross section of Beth El congregants. Their charge is to meet regularly; gather viewpoints from the wider Beth El community; research possible rabbinic models; assess fiscally, spiritually, and practically appropriate options for rabbinic presences at Congregation Beth El for the immediate and long-term future.   When and if directed, this committee may also provide the seed from which a Search Committee can be created.


Library Work Group

  • Proposed Duration: Dec 2015 - Dec 2016

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the rabbi

  • Contact: Judith Frangos (


  • Description: The Library Working Group has been meeting weekly to sort through dozens of boxes of books that have been stored  in the basement of the social hall since the renovation.  They have rediscovered a wonderful collection of books related to all aspects of ritual, Jewish history, practice, spirituality, biography, memoir, fiction for all ages and much more. The goal of this workgroup is to establish a user friendly library in the upstairs conference room and display books of high interest in the entry hall to promote Jewish study and exploration.


Standing Committees (as designated by the bylaws)  


Cemetery Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the administrator and rabbi

  • Contact: Lora Block (


  • Description: This committee supervises and coordinates maintenance and other landscape projects with the manager of Park Lawn Cemetery and sells plots to purchasers using established policies. It prepares for the board a suggested cemetery policy as well as a scale of fees for purchase of cemetery plots. It also provides for maintenance of cemetery records, along with the manager of Park Lawn. It is responsible for assuring that the funds deposited for perpetual maintenance in the Cemetery Fund within the Beth El endowment remain protected for solely for that purpose.


Communication Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the administrator and rabbi

  • Contact: Awaiting a contact (This could be you!)


  • Description: This committee helps coordinate, update, and create effective print, email, and web-based communications to keep congregants informed and engaged in Beth El events and programs, and to share information of interest to members.  The committee also works with local press to publicize events to the community.


Education & Family Committee (works in conjunctions and rabbi)Contact:


  • Description: This committee helps to shape learning initiatives for our youths and provides channels for ongoing feedback.  Additionally they counsel, direct and support the administration of the congregation's religious education for families, youths and adults on various matters including curriculum, staffing, programming, fundraising and school operations.


Facilities Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with administrator and rabbi

  • Contact: Peter Rubin (


  • Description: This committee manages the space, indoors and out, that we occupy. It shall provide for the regular maintenance and upkeep of Beth El building and grounds. It shall inspect the said building and grounds and present to the finance committee the estimated cost of any needed repairs or improvements. Upon board approval, it will organize contracts for and oversee execution of such work.



  • Coordination: works in conjunction with administrator

  • Contact: Al Bashevkin (


  • Description: This committee prepares and presents the annual budget to the Board of Trustees, designates the financial institutions that receive money paid to the synagogue, plans and oversees the synagogue’s investments, and performs other duties relating to the synagogue’s finances.


Fundraising Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with administrator and rabbi

  • Contact: Awaiting a contact (this could be you!)


  • Description: This committee focuses on exploring and creating special events, obtaining sponsorships, and coordinating entertaining and innovative projects that develop relationships, community and raise funds for our Beth El community. With specific fundraising goals in mind, committee members collaborate and explore new ideas to make each event/project a success!   


Hevre Kadisha Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the rabbi

  • Contact: Suzy Yucht (


  • Description: This committee, depending on the needs and wishes of the family when a death occurs, may provide assistance with funeral coordination and ritual preparation of the body, working with the rabbi.


Ritual Committee

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the rabbi

  • Contact: Mark Koffman (


  • Description: This committee is concerned with specific questions around ritual observance whose purpose is to offer advice and guidance to the clergy  regarding the character and mode of the various services. The committee aims to maximize the engagement of Beth El members’ spiritual life, and to expand the circle of people actively planning and carrying out our religious and ritual services.


Task-Force (not designated by the bylaws)  


Tikkun Olam Task-Force

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with the administrator and rabbi

  • Contact: Andrea Kolbe,


  • Description: This phrase means “repairing the world” (or “healing the world”) which suggests our community’s shared responsibility to heal, repair and transform the world for the better. The task-force coordinates our Monday night dinners and seeks to find opportunities to pair our holidays, events, and learning opportunities with social action projects. We have collected food items for local food banks and supported local community social agencies. We are always looking for good ideas, projects and ways to coordinate social action in our community.


Kitchen Task-Force

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with administrator

  • Contact: Awaiting a contact (this could be you!)


  • Description: This task-forces organizes and maintain the contents and equipment in the CBE kitchen. It keeps track of inventory and supplies and communicates to the administrator supplies that need to be ordered/organized.


Garden Task-Force

  • Coordination: works in conjunction with administrator

  • Contact: Awaiting a contact (this could be you!)


  • Description: This task-forces organizes and maintain the CBE flower beds and ornamental  plants. It keeps track of inventory and supplies and communicates to the administrator supplies that need to be ordered/organized.


Volunteer Opportunities


In a recent Shabbat discussion about our experiences as volunteers, one of our members said that volunteering is simply what we should be doing for each other and for the community anyway. Volunteering really shouldn't need its own name, except that our busy lives require us to compartmentalize what we need to do for ourselves, and what we want to do for others. 


Congregation Beth El depends on various kinds of participation from its members. Financial support is part of the balance, and the contribution of your knowledge, skills, commitment, and compassion completes the equation. Following are a few suggestions for how you can help, and feel free to identify other areas where you can be of service.


Sponsor Kiddush:
Option 1 - donate money for kiddush. We are happy for members to sponsor Kiddush with a simple donation of $18. Susan will verify supplies we have on hand, and supplement with challah and anything else we need for a pleasant oneg shabbat. Your attendance is appreciated but not required!


Option 2 - donate supplies for kiddush. Provide non-perishable or freezable foods which we can bring out for a non-sponsored shabbat kiddush.


Option 3 - provide your own kiddush. This way you get to choose the menu and make a special occasion for the congregants, but it doesn't have to be complicated. See link in sidebar for kiddush guidelines and suggestions. 


Announcements preview: the weekly email Community Connection announcements would benefit from an independent review of the draft before issuing to the congregation. This would include checking that entries make sense, and contain essential information regarding dates, times, locations, fees, links, etc. Send brief comments to the rabbi and Susan, and you're done!

Tell us a story: send us an article related to Jewish life for the newsletter. This could be scholarly work, an opinion piece, congregational news, personal experience, fiction, poetry, or whatever you have to offer the community. CBE staff will review submitted articles and decide what to include based on content and available column space.

Library coordinator: sort through our boxes of books, select preferred items for community room bookshelves, organize and label items to be kept and stored, separate items to sell or give away.

Monthly Community Dinners:


Art coordinator:

Holiday planning & decorating:
Kitchen Coordinator:
Minyan phone tree:

  Hevre Kadisha (training reduired):




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