To fill out a membership application and pledge form online, for new or renewing members, click:
To view a printable membership application and pledge form, click:
For more information about our member dues assessment, click:
Become A Member
Beth El is an inclusive community for individuals and families. Our members have followed a wide variety of paths: some were raised Jewish, some are unfamiliar with the synagogue or the liturgy, while others are part of an inter-faith family. All are welcome, whatever spiritual path or tradition one has followed. For each of us, Judaism means something different: we each follow a unique set of beliefs, practices and traditions.
We believe that Judaism requires a community, and it is as part of a community that we can best express and develop our spiritual paths.We always welcome visitors and guests to our services, but believe that membership is in the end, both necessary and significant, implying a level of commitment to the community. The Jewish model has never been that of the lone wanderer in the wilderness, but the family, the community, the congregation. It is from each other that we learn; it is with each other that we grow; it is together that we begin to understand, not only Judaism but also humanity.
Membership Contributions
Beth El membership is based on a “Fair share” system by which we mean that membership contribution expectations are based on the member’s ability to pay. We believe that this system best describes our sense of community and represents our understanding of the sense of fairness for which Judaism strives. We ask that members contribute 1.5 to 2.0% of their annual household income.
Beginning in 2016, we have introduced minimum contribution guidelines for membership; however we will never turn away anyone who cannot meet our recommended minimum contributions.
We especially need those whose household income enables a more generous donation to donate more than the minimum -- if every family/member unit pledged only the minimum, we would only reach approximately 75% of the income required to keep the doors open and provide a vibrant and supportive Jewish community for Southwestern Vermont and the surrounding area.
In addition to full membership, we offer associate membership for non-residents or seasonal members, with a reduced contribution expectation. New members also have a reduced minimum contribution expectation for their first three years of membership.
Please see the contribution guidelines document for additional details on minimum contribution expectations.
Please use the links in the sidebar to the left to make your pledge online, or to print a membership pledge form to mail to the office.